The Prize, which will have an endowment of TWO THOUSAND EUROS, will be awarded to the best submitted study related to one of the following thematic areas: good administration; regulatory improvement; transparency; citizen participation; public ethics; innovation and modernization of public administration; and accountability. The prize will be funded by the financial contribution provided by the administration of the Principality of Asturias for the Rafael del Riego Chair of Good Governance in the year 2023.
Individuals or groups, whether individual or collective, who hold a degree, either Spanish or foreign, and have an interest in the thematic areas to be awarded, can apply for this prize. The study can be conducted individually or in a team. Teams cannot exceed three members (all team members must hold a degree). If a team’s work is selected, the Prize will be attributed to the entire team, and the financial endowment will be distributed among them according to the indicated participation.
Assessment Criteria:
Originality, topicality, and relevance of the study’s results and contributions or proposals representing progress or improvement.
Scientific effort or the quality and scientific and social impact of the study.
Documentation to be submitted with the online application:
Declaration of co-authorship (Annex II), to be completed only if there is more than one author, detailing the percentage that, if awarded, should be assigned to each co-author, indicating who the coordinator is.
Document containing the anonymized study, without the author’s name/s. (with a pseudonym to reveal the authors’ identity) in monograph format (between 80-150 pages) written in Spanish, English, French, or Italian. It must be original and unpublished and should not have been awarded by any public or private entity. It should cover subjects related to the topics indicated in point 1.2. Format: Times New Roman 12, with footnotes at 10. Text at 1.5 spacing. Margins: top, bottom, right, and left should have a space of 3 centimeters. It must include a summary or extract of up to 15 lines, a summary or index of the work, and conclude with the bibliography.
Brief CV of the author or authors, a maximum of 2 pages per person (in the case of being written by several authors, up to 3, their CVs should be joined in a single document).
Location and deadline for submission:
Applications or nominations must be submitted online (either through the “University of Oviedo” access, using the same username and password used to access your email, or through the “External” access, requiring a certificate or electronic ID). Use the form called “Awards Chairs ‘Rafael del Riego de buen Gobierno,’ ‘Municipalism,’ and ‘Climate Change,'” available at the following link: https://euniovi.uniovi.es/TramitadorSolicitudes/solicitud/privado/presentarSolicitudAutenticado.xhtml?idConvocatoria=63060
If you have any doubts or encounter access issues, please contact the Vice-Rectorate for Transfer and Business Relations at vice.transferencia@uniovi.es.